
Air Travel Made Better: 20 Rules Of Airplane Etiquette No One Ever Tells You (but Should)


Air Travel Made Better: 20 Rules Of Airplane Etiquette No One Ever Tells You (but Should)

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Air Travel Made Better: 20 Rules Of Airplane Etiquette No One Ever Tells You (but Should)
Air Travel Made Better: 20 Rules Of Airplane Etiquette No One Ever Tells You (but Should)

What is proper etiquette for sitting on a plane?



Now that the spring travel season is upon us and summer is upon us, there are some really smart ways to make air travel more enjoyable for everyone involved.

This means following some basic rules of good etiquette. a label that many people have abandoned due to the dramatic experience gained on multiple platforms.

Jacqueline Whitmore, founder of the Protocol Etiquette School in Palm Beach, Florida, and a longtime etiquette expert, shares some basic rules for air travel.


“Seats are getting smaller these days, we all have to learn how to travel,” he said of air travel.

For those passengers who can't help but feel uncomfortable on the plane, with some cheeky reminders from Whitmore, here are her top 20 tips for a more enjoyable civilian trip.


Jacqueline Whitmore from Florida shares tips to make your trip more enjoyable. Amalia Orange/iStock © Amalie Orrange/iStock Jacqueline Whitmore from Florida shares her tips for making your trip more enjoyable. Amalia Orange/iStock

1. If you bring food, "if you're smart, you will," Whitmore says, "and don't bring anything strong or smelly."

"There's nothing worse than smelling someone's greasy fish tacos."

2. If you cannot lift the bag, pull it to the side. "Don't risk letting someone else pull a muscle and lift it for you," he says.


3. Clean the bathroom sink and leave it in better condition than when you found it. "Don't treat it like your bathroom," says Whitmore.

4. If you have to change seats with someone, make sure the new seat is proportional to your seat.

On this occasion, Whitmore said: "Don't think you deserve an upgrade just because you paid for a cheap seat and want to move a family member to a more expensive seat."

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Etiquette expert Whitmore says the instinct is to lean back in a chair and "look" first to avoid "breaking someone's knee or smashing someone's laptop." iStock: © iStock Etiquette expert Whitmore on the instinct to recline your chair all the way, to quickly "look back" so you "don't break someone's knee or break someone's laptop." iStock:

5. Every passenger has the right to recline in their seat, Whitmore said. "Chairs are made for this," he said.

However, it advises people to "keep your seats upright during takeoff, landing and lunch," as flight attendants often advise.


"If you feel like you need to sit all the way back for maximum comfort, take a quick look around so you don't break someone's knee or break your laptop," he adds.

6. If your neighbor is wearing headphones or typing on their computer, it's definitely a "do not disturb," says Whitmore.

"If someone decides to talk to you, speak quietly. Nobody wants to hear you talk," he said.

7. Airplanes are not a place to maneuver, Whitmore said.

"If you're sitting by a window or in the middle and need to go to the bathroom, touch your neighbor gently and say 'Excuse me' instead of crawling past."

If you're flying long-haul, he advises people to keep working "after eating, even if you don't feel like going." This will prevent you from disturbing others when everyone is sound asleep.

"The Earth may be getting smaller every day, but that doesn't give you the right to expand into other people's territories." iStock: © iStock "The openings are getting smaller, but that doesn't give you the right to take someone else's place." iStock:

8. “Keep your dirty feet off the seat in front of you. It's not just disgusting, it's unhealthy," Whitmore said.

He also said: “Don't treat the plane like your living room. If you need to air out your feet, don't wear socks or sandals. The appearance of water on the toilet floor is actually something else."


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9. “Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Chairs may be fewer every day, but this does not give you the right to invade other people's space or rest your head on someone else's shoulder, even if you know this person well.

10. Never put your stuff in someone else's luggage rack or under someone else's seat, says Whitmore.

11. If you are sitting near the aisle, keep your legs long and sharp elbows out of the aisle.

Looking at her place, Whitmore adds, "And don't even think about putting your food, drink, or garbage on someone else's plate without their permission."

12. Manage your children. "There's nothing cute or funny about kicking the back of your chair, pulling your hair, or watching someone's kids run down the hall like wild banshees," Whitmore says.

Etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore says: “It's wise to bring plenty of games, toys and snacks to keep your child entertained. A crying baby is an exception because it can hurt your ears. Crying helps reduce stress. water or Benadryl. iStock: © iStock Etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore says, “It's wise to bring plenty of games, toys and snacks to keep your child entertained. The exception is a crying baby, because his ears can hurt. Crying helps reduce stress. Water, juice or Benadryl." « iStock

So, she says, it's a good idea for parents or guardians to “bring plenty of games, toys and snacks to keep the kids entertained. Crying babies are an exception, as their ears can hurt. Crying helps relieve stress. milk, water, juice or Benadryl".

BEST "AIRPLACE" BAD ETHICS. An airline passenger covers her long, thick hair to the back of her seat.

13. According to Whitmore, the unlucky person in the middle seat gets an advantage: sole ownership of the chair.

He added: “People in the window seats get the best view. People sitting in the aisle seats not only breathe more, but also have an opportunity to get off the plane faster in an emergency."

14. Do not grab the back of someone's chair when sitting, standing, or walking down the aisle.

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According to Whitmore, "A headrest is not designed to help you keep your balance while walking or taking long trips to the bathroom."

"Speak quietly, follow the rules and treat the flight attendants with respect," Whitmore said of the plane's behavior. iStock: © iStock "Speak slowly, follow the rules and be respectful of flight attendants," Whitmore said of in-flight behavior. iStock:

15. Respect flight attendants. "Their jobs are tough enough and they don't make enough money to put up with your bullshit," Whitmore said.

He added: “They are here for your safety, not to serve you hand and foot. Also, if you're nice and considerate, you can buy extra soft drinks or alcohol."

16. "If you don't want to be stopped by transportation security, keep your voice down, follow the rules and treat flight attendants with respect," he said.


17. Also: "Don't raise your hand if another passenger bothers you. Ask the flight attendants to come in and be a bad boy."

18. When a plane hits the runway, "don't kick the door in," says Whitmore. Instead, “wait for the seatbelt sign to turn off before standing up. Please be patient, wait your turn and exit in the order of your seats."

19. In this regard. "If you need to catch a connecting flight, ask politely before you cross the line."

20. Plug in your headphones. "They're useful when you want to escape a crying baby or avoid talking to someone," says Whitmore.


He says you should also use them when watching movies on your phone, tablet, or computer.

"It may make sense," he says, "but most people forget to use common sense (and good manners) when they travel."

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