
What is the future of PHP?


What is the future of PHP?

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What is the future of PHP?

PHP is a programming language for the server side and it is used to create dynamic web pages. You might think, is PHP still used? Yes, it is used and is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, used by millions of websites. PHP is a powerful language that can be used to create complex web applications. It is also a relatively easy language to learn, which makes it a good choice for beginners.

Following we have discussed the usage of PHP, its relevance in the present day, and what will be its future. In the end you will know if it is a viable language for web development for the days to come. 

PHP’s Current Use

To this day it is being used by a wide variety of websites. Some of the most popular websites that use PHP include:

  • Facebook
  • Wikipedia
  • Yahoo!
  • Amazon
  • Twitter

So, is PHP still relevant? Yes, it most definitely is! The above mentioned list is a sample among the many popular websites that use PHP.

The Future of PHP

Is php dead, is a common notion that is heard in the programming community. Based on the factors like: it is outdated, it is old language, it is not a good choice for web development and many more. But, the reality is not anywhere close to this.

PHP is a mature programming language. Yes, it was first introduced over 20 years, but still has a large developer community. Meaning, solutions available to almost anything, huge and quick support, tons of resources available to learn and debug.

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On top, it is a flexible language that can be used for developing a variety of web apps. Thus, for developers who want to create complex and custom applications, PHP is a great choice.

It is super easy to learn for beginners, giving it the biggest benefit. Shifting from another language is also super simple. Making PHP the best choice for both beginners and experienced developers.

Yes, PHP has seen better days, but on forums and websites you might have seen questions like “do people still use PHP” or “PHP is dead”. Let’s have a deeper look into that, and explore the horizons of web development from PHP’s side.

PHP is Still Dominating the Web

PHP’s future and present is not close to dead in any way. If you look at the numbers it is still the most used server-side language. Among all the webpages about 70% are powered by PHP. This tells us that it is leading by a fair and clear margin. Following attached report is also a testament to that.


The biggest reason of PHP’s popularity is millions of WordPress websites, i.e. approximately 34% of all websites, and WordPress uses PHP. Resulting in 75 million websites using WordPress.

Other management systems like Drupal (3%), Joomla(2%), Magento(1%) put their fair share in as well. 

Building Websites From Scratch

Answer to the question, “do people still use PHP”, given is: people who don’t know how to code go to WordPress. And, they probably don’t even know that it’s powered by PHP.

So is PHP still used by people who build websites from scratch?

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Yes, PHP is used to create websites from scratch by generating dynamic content on the server side. This means that the website content is not stored on the client side, but is instead generated by the PHP code on the server. This makes it possible to create websites that are more interactive and dynamic than static websites. But, how can you do that? Hire PHP experts developers and get the work done.

PHP is still relevant in the present day and age because it is a powerful and flexible language that can be used to create a wide variety of web applications. It is also relatively easy to learn, which makes it a good choice for beginners.

Here are some of the reasons why PHP is still relevant in the present day and age:

  • It is a mature language with a large community of developers.
  • It is easy to learn and use.
  • It is highly scalable and can be used to create large and complex web applications.
  • It is open source and free to use.
  • It is compatible with a wide range of web servers and operating systems.

Overall, PHP is a powerful and flexible language that is still relevant in the present day and age. It is a good choice for both beginners and experienced developers who want to create dynamic and interactive web applications. If you want to build highly interactive websites and web apps then hire laravel coders today.

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