
Our Tips On How To Improve Your Online Website


Our Tips On How To Improve Your Online Website

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Our Tips On How To Improve Your Online Website

An essential part of running a successful business is to have a great website to support your offering. The reason we say great is because that is the bare minimum that you should strive for with your online website, as anything less and you could be losing out. With so much competition out there (especially on the web), it’s never been more important to invest in your website in order to grab your customer’s attention as soon as they land on your site and persuade them to order your services. 

So what ways can you improve your online website? There are a variety of things you can consider to improve your site. You can look into adding additional functionality such as a chat for website plugin to assist customers. You could add a blog section to offer your customers more information, alternatively, you may want to invest in a UX and UI designer who can take an overall look at your site’s performance and improve it – the possibilities are endless. 

Below are three tips on how to improve your online website. 

1. Invest in a UX and UI designer

UX and UI stand for user experience and user interface. What their role entails is reviewing your site and considering the user journey and how your customers interact with your website. By tracking user journeys, they can make recommendations on improvements to your site to help you grow and improve conversion.

Often they will design new landing pages and conduct A/B testing to check that their recommendation and designs are working as they should be. 

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2. Add a blog section

If you are trying to add functionality and an additional offering to your site, then a blog section may be something for you to consider. Blogs allow you to write engaging content that supports your offering. For example, a travel agency could write an article about hotels near the London Eye if they sell trips to London.

Blog content gives the user another reason to visit your site, helping keep your business at the forefront of their mind. The idea is that hopefully when they need your services again, they think of you as they are used to being on your site due to it having strong blog content. 

3. Reguarally freshen your content 

The content on your website is just as important as the look and feel of your site. By keeping your content up-to-date, you show customers that you care about your website and put the time in to look after it. Updating regularly also reduces the chances that some of the content is old, which can have a negative effect on the users who interact with your website.

For example, if you were booking a cruise and the prices were incorrect, you would soon stop using that site as it would become very frustrating. Video content is also something to consider as this can add a lot of engagement to your site. 

What tips would you recommend for improving an online website? Which of the above tips do you think is most important? Let us know in the comment box below, we would love to hear from you.

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